, JAKARTA – Aiman Witjaksono’s pre-trial hearing with the agenda of reading duplicates from the respondent, Polda Metro Jaya and asking for expert responses submitted by the applicant was held again at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, (22/2) at 10.30 WIB.
The respondent, namely Polda Metro Jaya, firmly stated that it rejected Aiman’s application and charged the applicant the court costs.
“We are requesting the Chairman of the South Jakarta District Court to grant it, rejecting the applicant’s request in its entirety and charging the court fees to the applicant,” said the attorney for Polda Metro Jaya at the hearing at the South Jakarta District Court.
Apart from reading the duplicates, in this trial the applicant’s legal team, Aiman Witjaksono, also presented two expert witnesses. The two expert witnesses are criminal procedural law expert Prof. Suparji and expert from the Vienna Armada Press Council.
Aiman’s pretrial hearing tomorrow will be attended by experts from the respondent’s side as well as conclusions from each party. (Bembo)