Wednesday, January 22, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalEid Holidays, Polsek Metro Tamansari Maintain Tight Security for Kota Tua Tourism

Eid Holidays, Polsek Metro Tamansari Maintain Tight Security for Kota Tua Tourism, JAKARTA – Polsek Metro Tamansari is maintaining strict security at the Kota Tua Tour which is busy with tourists during the Eid holiday season in 2024.
From the Polsek Metro 13 personnel were deployed, plus 10 BKO personnel from the Ditsamapta Polda Metro Jaya and 10 BKO personnel from the Mobile Brigade Unit of the Polda Metro Jaya.

Kapolsek Metro Tamansari, Kompol Adhi Wananda in his official statement said, that visitors to Kota Tua during Eid this year had increased compared to the previous year.

“Therefore, as security and to anticipate disturbances, we have also prepared a security post or Pospam in front of the Bank Mandiri Museum and a service post or Posyan in front of Jakarta Kota Station,” he said at the Kota Tua location, Friday, (12/4).

“We carry out security implementation starting from strong points, receiving public reports, foot patrols and bicycle patrols in the Kota Tua area,” he continued.

He added, that the situation in the Kota Tua area so far was conducive. He also ensured that tight security would be carried out without interruption for 24 hours non-stop. (Bembo)

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