, JAKARTA – The mental and psychological state of former Corruption Eradication Commission Chairman Firli Bahuri is said to be extraordinary. He dared to strongly deny the testimony of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) at the Corruption Court who stated that he had given him Rp1,3 billion in foreign currency. Even though this testimony has also been recorded in the SYL investigation report (BAP).
Firli looks very confident in this logic game. Even though his rebuttal was considered weak logically, he still believed that his rebuttal still had power. It’s okay, sir. No problem. As long as in your heart and mind, this game is not synonymous with karomah.
Because for your information, the substance of karomah itself is also beyond logic. However, in essence, it is also a very different level and a different atmosphere. Karamah is a form of glory given by Allah SWT to special humans such as Rasulullah SAW, friends, and saints. Karamah is also referred to as glory that is beyond human reason or logic. So it seems impossible for Firli to dare to synonymize his game with this.
Polda Metro Jaya itself, as the institution handling the Firli Bahuri case, also seemed relaxed in responding to this denial. Dirreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak in his official statement said, that Firli’s denial was his right as a suspect.
“I don’t think there is a problem. The suspect has the right to deny all of the witness’ statements,” said Kombes Pol Ade Safri, Sunday, (30/6).
He emphasized, that even though Firli denied it, his party still didn’t move because they already had strong evidence regarding the flow of funds. In fact, continued Kombes Pol Ade Safri, investigators currently have 4 pieces of evidence so they can name Firli as a suspect.
“What is clear is that there are at least 2 pieces of evidence. In fact, in this case we have 4 pieces of evidence in the handling of the a quo case by Corruption Corruption investigators from the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya,” he said again.
He revealed, that SYL’s testimony in the trial was included in the BAP of the extortion case with the suspect Firli. This testimony has also been submitted by witnesses in the police BAP.
“That’s right, Rp1,3 billion. The point is that the investigation material carried out by KPK investigators in which SYL is the defendant is intersecting, yes. The facts of the incident intersect with the alleged criminal act of corruption that we are currently carrying out in which SYL is a witness in the a quo case. ,” explained Kombes Pol Ade Safri.
As is known, Firli Bahuri, through his attorney, Ian Iskandar, has strongly denied SYL’s testimony regarding handing over Rp1,3 billion to Firli.
“What is clear is that this statement is a lie and not based on actual facts,” said Ian Iskandar some time ago.
He also said, that SYL’s statement in the trial regarding the money was inconsistent. SYL’s false statement will actually make his sentence worse in the case of gratification and extortion at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).
“Many of Mr. SYL’s statements are inconsistencies with the evidence and witnesses who have given different statements. There is a story that says Rp50 billion, there is a story that says Rp800 million and finally Rp500 million,” explained Ian again.
“What is clear is that all of these things were clarified by Mr. Firli during the examination at Bareskrim. Including the giving of money to Kevin at the GOR by Mr. SYL’s aide, Panji. At that time, Kevin was sick with Covid and was confronted by Panji. Panji didn’t know and didn’t know Kevin. Mr. Firli’s aide,” he added, emphasizing his denial. (Bembo)