, CIPUTAT TIMUR – Polsek Ciputat Timur held a ‘Friday Curhat’ coordination gathering activity at Nuri Bintaro Jaya Housing, Pondok Ranji Village, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan, Friday, (31/1/2025).

The activity, which was led directly by Kapolsek Ciputat Timur, Kompol Bambang Azkar Shodiq was also attended by Danramil 05 Ciputat Mayor Inf Tarsan, Ciputat Timur Sub-district Secretary, Kamaludin, Ciputat Timur Head of Civil Service Police Section, Ahmad Subur and Pondok Ranji Village Head, Midih.
In this interactive chat dialogue, Kapolsek Bambang Askar first conveyed the ‘Friday Curhat’ activity as a form of the state’s presence in the community to maintain security and order. He then also invited residents to jointly maintain the public order ecosystem and be aware of potential disturbances such as youth brawls.
Furthermore, Kapolsek Bambang Askar also conveyed the important role of parents in supervising children so that they don’t get involved in brawls. He also emphasized that the Polsek Ciputat Timur will not hesitate to take firm action against children involved in brawls. This must be done in order to provide a deterrent effect and to prevent similar actions.
Another thing, in the ‘Friday Curhat’ dialogue, Kapolsek Bambang Askar also reminded residents about the 110 call center service. This toll-free service can be used by residents who need the presence of the police or to report emergency incidents.
In general, the ‘Friday Curhat’ activity carried out by Kapolsek Bambang Askar is a program created by the Kapolri, Jenderal Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo to get closer to the community. This interactive activity is also a medium for accommodating complaints, suggestions and criticisms from the community related to the security and public order situation in their respective jurisdictions.
Writer/Editor: Bembo