Monday, January 13, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalInsurance is Not a Requirement for Getting a Driving License

Insurance is Not a Requirement for Getting a Driving License, JAKARTA – For your information, when making or extending a Driving License (SIM) offline, applicants will be offered insurance at a cost of Rp50.000 per SIM. Even so, the insurance offered is not part of the requirements for getting a SIM.

The SIM insurance in question is the Driver’s Personal Accident Insurance (AKDP) from PT Asuransi Bhakti Bhayangkara (ABB). Insurance for SM A/B and SIM C is different. So if you have two SIMs, you will be offered two different insurance policies at a cost of Rp50.000 each.

AKDP itself is an insurance product from PT ABB that guarantees personal accidents that occur when the insured is driving a vehicle on public roads, including those caused by collisions, slips/skids, hit-and-runs, and so on, which result in bodily injury, permanent disability and death. The amount of the AKDP premium is Rp50.000 per SIM for 5 years.

Head of the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) Polri SIM Sub-Directorate, Kombes Pol Heru Sutopo, in his explanation said that the SIM insurance from PT ABB is not part of the mandatory requirements for making a SIM.

“The requirements for getting a SIM are meeting administrative requirements, being physically and mentally healthy, passing the theory and practical tests. That’s all,” said Kombes Pol Heru, last Monday, (26/8).

He also emphasized that even if they do not pay the insurance fee of Rp50.000, applicants are still entitled to get a SIM after the required requirements are met.

It should also be noted that SIM applicants are now also required to have national health insurance (JKN). Based on the new rules, SIM applicants must now be active BPJS participants.

“That’s right (must be active JKN). BPJS’s JKN. Active BPJS membership,” said Kombes Pol Heru again.

Korlantas Polri itself is currently testing active BPJS membership as a requirement for making a SIM in seven provinces.  BPJS trial for SIM requirements is implemented in Polda Aceh, Polda Sumbar, Polda Sumut, Polda Metro Jaya,  Polda Kaltim, Polda Bali Police, and Polda NTT.

The following are the requirements for making a new SIM:

1. Fill out and submit the SIM registration form manually or show proof of registration electronically.

2. Attach a photocopy and show your identity card (Electronic Identity Card) for Indonesian citizens or immigration documents for foreign citizens.

3. Attach a photocopy of the driving education and training certificate by showing the original.

4. Attach a letter of verification of driving competency issued by an accredited driving school, for individual SIM applicants who do not attend driving education and training or study on their own.

5. Attach a photocopy of the original work permit from the ministry in charge of manpower for foreign citizens working in Indonesia.

6. Carry out biometric recording in the form of fingerprints and/or facial or retinal recognition.

7. Attach proof of active participation in the national health insurance program and submit proof of payment of non-tax revenue.

Next are the requirements for extending a SIM

The SIM extension process is much easier than making a new SIM. If making a new SIM must be done at Satpas, to extend a SIM can be done online through the Digital Korlantas application or offline at Satpas, SIM outlets and mobile SIM.

Documents for online SIM extension also do not need to be photocopied like making a new SIM. However, if you want to extend it directly offline, all required documents must be photocopied.

The following are the requirements for extending a SIM:


Resident Identity Card (KTP)

Results of RIKKES Jasmani

Results of psychological test

The cost of extending a SIM is also cheaper than making a new SIM. The most expensive cost of extending a SIM is only Rp80.000 per issuance. Meanwhile, the most expensive for making a new SIM is Rp120.000. But this cost does not include the cost of health and psychological tests. The cost of the health test is Rp35.000.  While the cost for the psychological test is Rp60.000. (Bembo)

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