, JAKARTA – Kapolres Metro Jakarta Timur, Kombes Pol Nicolas Ary Lilipaly participated in the Homecoming Celebration with the Panasonic Gobel Group with the theme “Comfortable, Safe and Cheerful Homecoming” at PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia (PMI), Jalan Raya Bogor Km 29, Pekayon, Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur, Saturday, (6/4) morning.
PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia’s Eid homecoming activity was attended by homecoming participants from PT Panasonic employees with a total of 1.400 participants. The group of travelers used 24 units of the Pandawa Bus fleet, with destinations on Java Island, namely Central Java and East Java, as well as Sumatra Island, namely Lampung and Palembang.
At around 08.50 WIB, the group of homecoming travelers was symbolically released by the Indonesian Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah accompanied by the Kapolres Metro Jakarta Timur, Kombes Pol Nicolas Ary Lilipaly.
At this moment of release, the Owner of PT Panasonic, Dr. H. Rachmat Gobel and Abdullah Tauhid Gobel, Chairman of the Panasonic Gobel Group, M. Arif Rahmat Gobel, President Director of Gobel International, Hiramsyah S. Thaib, Owner of GDSK, MH. Ismagrebi Datau, President Director of PT PGI, Keisuke Nakagawa, President Director of PT, PMI Masayuki Sasage and CEO Naoya Murakam. (Bembo)