, JAKARTA – Kapolres Metro Jakarta Timur, Kombes Pol Nicolas Ary Lilipaly visited the Papuan Student Dormitory on Jalan Jengki, RT 003 RW 013, Kebon Pala, Makasar, Jakarta Timur, Friday (26/4) yesterday afternoon.
During this visit, Kapolres Nicolas provided encouragement to Papuan students who had migrated to Jakarta. He also emphasized understanding the importance of maintaining cultural diversity. He also emphasized to Papuan students not to be easily provoked into protesting.
“You have to open yourself up and be confident. We are Ambonese and Papuan alike. We migrated here with the same goal, namely seeking knowledge and changing social status,” said Kapolres Nicolas.
Meanwhile, Charles as a representative of Papuan students expressed his thanks for the visit. He also invited his colleagues to coordinate more intensively with local security forces.
Kebon Pala Village Head, Faisal Rizal, who also has Papuan blood, also conveyed a message to students about the importance of participating in DKI Jakarta government programs as part of cultural integration.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of RW 12, Abdul Rosyid, expressed his commitment in front of the students to maintain the security and comfort of Papuans in the RW environment that he leads.
On this occasion, Kapolres Nicolas also provided basic food packages in the form of rice and Indomie to Papuan students.
“Hopefully this basic food assistance can be useful for all of you,” said Kapolres Nicolas.
Also accompanying the Kapolres Nicolas in this activity was the Kabagops Polres Metro Jakarta Timur, AKBP Rachmat Eko Mulyadi, Kasat Intel Polres Metro Jakarta Timur, Kompol Helmi Wibowo, Kapolsek Makasar Kompol Rusit Malaka, PS Wakasat Samapta, Kompol Ilhamsyah, Kasi Humas Polres Metro Jakarta Timur, AKP Lina, PS Wakasat Reskrim, AKP Tua Napitulu, Wakasat Binmas Polres Metro Jakarta Timur, AKP Heru, Kasipropam Polres Metro Jakarta Timur, AKP Sutono, and Wakapolsek Makasar, AKP Jumanto. (Bembo)