Tuesday, November 5, 2024
BerandaHukum & KriminalKapolri Reminds Homecomers Not to Rest on Toll Road Shoulders

Kapolri Reminds Homecomers Not to Rest on Toll Road Shoulders

progresifjaya.id, JAKARTA – Kapolri, Jenderal Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo reminded travelers not to rest on the shoulders of toll roads during the Eid 2024 homecoming trip. This message was conveyed by Kapolri Listyo Sigit so that the public could avoid traffic accidents.

“Related to reducing the number of accidents, because this is also our concern, people who are going home can return to their destination safely,” said Kapolri Listyo Sigit when delivering his official statement at the Kalikangkung GT Integrated Command Post, Wednesday, (3/4) .

Furthermore, Kapolri Listyo Sigit also reminded the public not to rush to their destination. There are a number of rest areas prepared for travelers who want to rest for a while on the toll road.

“Therefore, we always remind people who are returning home not to force themselves to reach their destination quickly and safely. We have prepared a rest area, which can be used to rest for a while,” he explained again.

“Exit routes have also been prepared that can be used to lead to arterial routes, which of course have many places that can be used to rest,” he added.

According to Kapolri Listyo Sigit, traffic accidents are usually caused by many travelers resting on the shoulder of the road. Therefore, he again reminded travelers to avoid resting on the shoulders of toll roads. It is better to choose to enter the rest area or exit onto the arterial route.

“The main thing is to avoid resting on the shoulder of the road because this is very dangerous. Usually lots of accidents occur because there are vehicles that stop on the shoulder of the road. Then other drivers get tired and end up shocked. An accident occurs. So once again please remember, avoid resting on the shoulder of the toll road. Please enter the rest area or leave and rest on the arterial route,” emphasized the message from Kapolri Listyo Sigit. (Bembo)

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