Tuesday, February 11, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalListen, There are 32 Officers with the Rank of Kombes Pol who...

Listen, There are 32 Officers with the Rank of Kombes Pol who are Currently Serving at Polda Metro Jaya

progresifjaya.id, JAKARTA  – In the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya there are currently 32 mid-level officers with the rank of triple jasmine or Kombes Pol. Of this number, 22 Kombes Pol serve as implementing elements for the leadership of Polda Metro Jaya and 10 more Kombes Pol serve regional duties in DKI Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi.

The following is a summary of the 32 Kombes Pol under the Kapolda Metro Jaya, Irjen Pol Karyoto, who serves as acting leader of Polda Metro Jaya and Kapolres in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya.

Acting Head of Polda Metro Jaya

1. Irwasda

Kombes Pol Nurkolis

2. Karo Ops

Kombes Pol Tory Kristianto

3. Karo SDM

Kombes Pol Langgeng Purnomo

4. Karo Rena

Kombes Pol I Bagus Rai Elryanto

5. Karo Logistics

Kombes Pol Yandri Irsan

6. Dirbinmas

Kombes Pol Badya Wijaya

7. Dirintelkam

Kombes Pol Dedy Kusuma Bakti

8. Dirreskrimsus

Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak

9. Dirreskrimum

Kombes Pol Wira Satya Triputra

10. Dirlantas

Kombes Pol Latif Usman

11. Dirresnarkoba

Kombes Pol Hengki

12. Dirpolair

Kombes Pol Joko Sadono

13. Dirsamapta

Kombes Pol Ahmad Zaenudin

14. Dirpamobvit

Kombes Pol Joko Sulistio

15. Kabid Humas

Kombes Pol Ade Ary Syam Indradi

16. Kabid Propam

Kombes Pol Nursyah Putra

17. Kabidkum

Kombes Pol Leonardus Harapantua Simarmata Permata

18. Kabid TIK

Kombes Pol Yully Kurniawan

19. Kabid Dokkes

Kombes Pol Hery Wijatmoko

20. Kabid Keu

Kombes Pol Iklas Putro Wasono

21. Dansat Brimob

Kombes Pol Gatot Mangkurat Putra

22. Kepala SPN

Kombes Pol Juwito Purnomo

Kapolres in the Polda Metro Jaya Legal Area

1. Kapolres Metro Jakarta Pusat

Kombes Pol Susatyo Purnomo Condro

2. Kapolres Metro Jakarta Utara

Kombes Pol Gidion Arif Setyawan

3. Kapolres Metro Jakarta Barat

Kombes Pol M Syahduddi

4. Kapolres Metro Jakarta Selatan

Kombes Pol Ade Rahmat Idnal

5. Kapolres Metro Jakarta Timur

Kombes Pol Nicholas Ary Lilipaly

6. Kapolres Metro Tangerang City

Kombes Pol Zain Dwi Nugroho

7. Kapolres Metro Bekasi City

Kombes Pol Dani Hamdani

8. Kapolres Metro Bekasi

Kombes Pol Twedi Aditya Bennyahdi

9. Kapolres Metro Depok

Kombes Pol Arya Perdana

10. Kapolresta Soekarno-Hatta International Airport

Kombes Pol Roberto Gomgom Manorang Pasaribu. (Bembo)

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