Friday, February 14, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalNew Class C Driving License and Extension Fees as of February 2025

New Class C Driving License and Extension Fees as of February 2025, JAKARTA – Every motorcyclist is required to have a Class C Driving License (SIM). Not only does it function as an identification card, this legality is also proof that the driver has the ability to drive a motorbike on the highway.

As of February 2025, the cost of making a Class C Driving License is still the same as before. The cost of making a Class C Driving License at all SIM Satpas still refers to Government Regulation Number 76 of 2020 concerning Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP), which is Rp100.000. Both for a new Class C Driving License, also for a Class CI Driving License for motorbikes with a capacity of 250–500 cc, and a Class CII Driving License for motorbikes with a capacity of over 500 cc. However, this cost does not include the cost of a physical health test and a psychological test.

To get a new Class C SIM, the applicant must have an Identity Card (KTP), be at least 17 years old, be physically and mentally healthy, be able to read and write, understand traffic rules, be able to drive a vehicle, and pass the theory and practical tests.

In addition, the applicant must also meet administrative requirements, such as filling out an application form, photocopying an e-KTP, recording 10 fingerprint biometrics, proof of active BPJS Kesehatan membership, and proof of payment of non-tax state revenues or PNBP.

No different from making a new Class C SIM, the extension of a Class C SIM is also subject to a fee in accordance with Government Regulation Number 76 of 2020 concerning PNBP. The official fee for extending a Class C SIM is Rp75.000, excluding the cost of the psychological test and physical health test.

To carry out the Class C SIM extension process, the applicant must prepare a KTP document along with a photocopy, an old SIM whose validity period is almost expired, and proof of a health check. It should also be remembered that the SIM extension must be done before the expiration date. If the validity period has passed and has not been extended, the applicant must go through the process of making a new SIM again.  Therefore, SIM owners must continue to remember to quickly renew their SIM before the validity period expires.

If this is ignored, the driver automatically risks being ticketed when there is an inspection or raid by officers. This is in accordance with the provisions of Article 288 paragraph 2 of the Traffic and Road Transportation Law (LLAJ Law).

In addition, this regulation is also stipulated in the Regulation of the Kapolri Number 09 of 2012 Article 28 paragraph 3 concerning SIM Extension and Telegram Letter ST/985/IV/2016 dated April 20, 2016 letter BBB point 3. So please note that. (Bembo)

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