Friday, February 14, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalNote, Cost of Making a New Class A SIM and Renewal as...

Note, Cost of Making a New Class A SIM and Renewal as of February 2025, JAKARTA – Unlike before, now the validity period of a Driving License (SIM) no longer follows the owner’s date of birth. The validity period of the SIM is now determined according to the time of issuance. With this regulation, SIM owners must now be careful to check the validity period so as not to overdo it.

As is known, the validity period of a SIM is five years. For this reason, the renewal process must be carried out before it expires in order to avoid the administrative rules of having to make a new SIM. The reason is, if the validity period of the SIM has expired and has not been renewed, the owner will no longer be able to renew it. Must make a new SIM and follow all the stages of making it from the beginning. It’s a hassle, right?

This rule is contained in the Regulation of the Chief of Police Number 09 of 2012 Article 28 paragraph 3 concerning Extension of Driving License and is also strengthened by Telegram Letter ST/985/IV/2016 dated April 20, 2016 letter BBB point 3.

Now for Driving License A, for making a new driving license as of February 2025 based on Government Regulation Number 60 of 2016 is Rp120.000. In addition to the issuance fee, applicants also need to pay additional fees for psychological tests and health tests (RIKKES physical), the amount of which is adjusted to the policy of the selected health check-up location.

While for the extension of Driving License A, the rate set is Rp80.000 excluding the cost of health tests and insurance.  This provision is stated in the Regulation of the Kapolri Number 09 of 2012 Article 28 paragraph 3 concerning Extension of Driving License and is covered by Telegram Letter ST/985/IV/2016 dated April 20, 2016 letter BBB point 3.

It should also be remembered, for driving license owners who drive without a valid or expired driving license, when they are unlucky enough to be caught by officers on the highway, they will be subject to a violation of Article 288 paragraph 2 of the Traffic and Road Transportation Law (LLAJ Law). The sanction for this violation is a maximum of one month in prison or a maximum fine of Rp250.000. Wew. (Bembo)

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