Sunday, February 16, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalPolda Metro Establishes Bassura Polsubsector, Legendary Bassura Brawl Can Be Shut Down

Polda Metro Establishes Bassura Polsubsector, Legendary Bassura Brawl Can Be Shut Down, JAKARTA – The brawl on Jalan Basuki Rahmat (Bassura), Cipinang Besar Utara, Jatinegara District, Jakarta Timur has become a legendary story. And as a legendary story, the brawl that has been taking place annually between the residents of RW 01 and RW 02 is difficult to forget and erase.

Kapolres Metro Jakarta Timur, Kombes Pol Nicolas Ary Lilipaly in his statement to journalists some time ago said, that the police together with stakeholders had actually taken a number of solutions to prevent brawls from occurring again. But yes, i failed to fish. Brawls still occur because of unrequited revenge.

“The Bassura brawl is like a legendary story. It has been going on for decades and passed down from generation to generation. Various efforts have been made to overcome and prevent it. Monitoring posts have been created and peace agreements have been made. But, like an epic legend, it is difficult to forget and erase ,” explained Kapolres Nicolas some time ago.

In practice, continued Kapolres Nicolas, the residents of RW 01 and RW 02 who were at war with each other both had cepu or informants who peeked at the police’s activities and whereabouts. If the police are going to pray or arrive late, residents immediately use this moment to stage a brawl. Always like that from year to year.

The police themselves, said Kapolres Nicolas, have tried to tighten security from afternoon to evening. But the residents also did not lose their minds to fight again. They also took an early morning timing so they could brawl.

“Yes, it’s like we are playing cat and mouse with the residents. Our members also need rest and need to pray. If we tighten it in the afternoon, they play at night. If we tighten it at night, they play at dawn. That’s always what happens,” said Kapolres Nicolas again.

He also said, that the police would never compromise on the perpetrators of brawls. Measurable firm action will definitely be taken against them, especially those who dare to attack the officers when the brawl is broken up.

“We will take firm, measurable action if they remain stubborn. They still refuse to comply with the advice we have conveyed,” warned Kapolres Nicolas.

Meanwhile, a social observer who is also a member of the Central PWI Honorary Council, Berman Nainggolan Lumbanraja explained in his statement, the brawl in Bassura between residents of RW 01 and residents of RW 02 occurred due to the rancid behavior of their ancestors who insulted each other. As a result of this, feelings of resentment and hurt between them emerged and were passed down from generation to generation until now.

“Talking about brawls is talking about the masses. The initial trigger came from their ancestors, senior residents of  RW 01 and RW 02 who insulted each other regarding their self-esteem. Because they were not warriors by nature, solving problems was done by brawling, ganging up. It was not a manly solution to a duel. against one,” Berman said in his analysis.

“Actually, they all hate it. How dare they gang up. If challenged to a one-on-one hand-to-hand duel, i guarantee they will think a thousand times before saying yes,” he added.

He also said, that in order to dim the legend of the brawl in Bassura, the Polri should not take responsibility for resolving it. As security officers who are given uniforms, weapons, dignity and authority, it isn’t actually difficult for the Polri to act firmly and actually discourage citizens.

“So far, the anticipation is still taking steps. It’s just a monitoring post or a patrol by a handful of personnel. Well, the residents don’t feel like they’re being bullied. Just playing cat and mouse is over. Moreover, they control and know exactly the area. So it’s easy for them to stage another brawl.” Berman said.

According to him, the legend of the Bassura brawl could be completely suppressed or even eliminated if Polda Metro Jaya established a Polsubsector on the border of RW 01 and RW 02. Polsubsector, continued Berman, is tasked with carrying out the main tasks of the Polri in maintaining security and public order, enforcing the law, and providing protection and protection, and service to the community. This also includes other Polri duties in their jurisdiction in accordance with statutory provisions.

He explained, that in carrying out its duties, the Polsubsector function is to carry out patrols and safeguard community activities to maintain kamtibmas, as well as enforce Tipiring law.

The Polsubsector also provide police services to the community in the form of receiving and handling reports/complaints, providing aid and assistance, including securing community activities. Also empowering community participation through community policing to create partnerships and build community trust in the Polri.

“So just go straight to the point. My suggestion is that so that the story of the brawl legend in Bassura can be forgotten, the Polda Metro Jaya, in this case the Polres Metro Jakarta Timur, must immediately establish the Bassura Polsubsector. Don’t think too long. Move quickly and set it up at the border of RW 01 and RW 02. I can guarantee that if this is a concern, brawls in Bassura will be completely shut down,” said Berman, guaranteeing. (Bembo)

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