Monday, February 10, 2025
BerandaTNI/PolriPolda Metro Receives Box Car and Truck Grants from BCA, Mandiri and...

Polda Metro Receives Box Car and Truck Grants from BCA, Mandiri and Sampoerna Strategic, JAKARTA – Located in the Main Lobby of the Polda Metro Jaya Promoter Building, the Wakapolda Metro Jaya, Brigjen Pol Suyudi Ario Seto representing the Kapolda Metro Jaya, Irjen Pol Karyoto signed a Letter of Agreement for the Grant of Motor Vehicles in the form of trucks and box cars from Bank BCA, Bank Mandiri and PT. Sampoerna Strategic Tbk, Monday, (6/5) afternoon.

Legitimate vehicles donated by Bank BCA, Bank Mandiri and PT. Sampoerna Strategic Tbk to Polda Metro Jaya consists of 1 box truck used for TIK Bid operations and 3 trucks for prison operational vehicles.

Kapolda Metro Jaya, Irjen Pol Karyoto, in his speech represented by Wakapolda Suyudi expressed his gratitude for the box car and truck grants given. All these vehicles will be very useful for moving prisoners and supporting the TIK Bid equipment.

“This vehicle will definitely be very useful for Polda Metro Jaya in carrying out its duties in the future,” said Wakapolda Suyudi.

“I also convey my respect and greetings to the leaders of my colleagues in their respective offices. Hopefully this can be an invaluable act of worship for all ladies and gentlemen and we will always be given health in every activity we carry out in the future,” he added.

Meanwhile, Wisnu Tri Hanggodo as a representative of Bank Mandiri also expressed his gratitude to the Polda Metro Jaya for succeeding in securing election activities safely and smoothly. Not to forget, on behalf of the banking sector, he also expressed his thanks to the Wakapolda Metro Jaya, who was willing to accept his presence along with his group at this activity.

“Our good intentions regarding this grant, we and our colleagues from Bank BCA and PT Sampoerna Strategic Tbk are happy to support the Polda Metro Jaya’s duties in maintaining Kamtibmas in Jakarta,” he said.

Also seen attending this activity were Karolog, Kombes Pol Yandri Irsan, Karoops, Kombes Pol Tory Kristianto, Karorena, Kombes Pol I Bagus Rai Elryanto. Dirpolair, Kombes Pol Joko Sadono, Kabid TIK, Kombes Pol Yully Kurniawan, Kabid Keu, Kombes Pol Ikhlas Putro Wasono and Kabiddokes, Kombes Pol Dr Hery Wijatmoko

Also present were Dirpamobvit, Kombes Pol Joko Sulistio, Kabidkum, Kombes Pol Leonardus H Simarmata, ⁠Dirtahti, AKBP Ardanto Nugroho, Kayanma Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Dr Muhammad Nasir, as well as Mandiri Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate BCA and ⁠Assistant Manager Of Safety PT Sampoerna. (Bembo)

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