, JAKARTA – Because
caught in the law in a case of alleged religious blasphemy, investigators from the Subdit Cyber of the Ditreskrimsus of Polda Metro Jaya confiscated the TikTok account @galihloss3 belongs to content creator Galih “The Ceking” Loss. The confiscated TikTok account contained the alleged content.
Dirreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Ade Ari Simanjuntak through his official statement said, that apart from the TikTok account, his party also confiscated a cellphone belonging to a man whose full name was Galih Noval Aji Prakoso which is used to create this controversial content.
“The evidence confiscated by officers was a TikTok account with the username @galihloss3 along with a changed password. Also an e-mail galihlos**** along with a changed password,” explained Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak to reporters. , Wednesday, (24/4) yesterday.
It is said, that this case arose after investigators carried out a cyber patrol and found that Galih Loss content contained religious blasphemy.
Galih “The Ceking” Loss was then forcibly picked up on Jalan Kampung Burangkeng, Burangkeng, Setu, Bekasi, West Java. Then he was taken to Polda Metro Jaya for examination. And finally it was discovered that he was the owner of the @galihloss3 account which uploaded the religious blasphemy video. As is known, in his post it was Galih make guesses about animal names but then miss the pronunciation of taawuz.
“He acts as the manager or owner of the TikTok account @galihloss3, where the account uploads videos spreading hatred containing SARA through electronic media and/or blasphemy against a religion followed in Indonesia,” explained Kombes Pol Ade Safri.
Next, investigators carried out a case and named Galih “The Ceking’ Loss as a suspect. He was charged with multiple articles, namely Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE) and Article 156 of the Criminal Code. The maximum penalty is 6 Bembo years in prison. (Bembo)