Tuesday, February 11, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalSafely Controlled is the Answer to Polda Metro 3P Patrol on the...

Safely Controlled is the Answer to Polda Metro 3P Patrol on the Eve of Bhayangkara’s 78th Anniversary

progresifjaya.id, JAKARTA – Monitoring measurable strong points, the Precision Pioneer Patrol (3P) Team of Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday, (2/7) early morning chose to only focus on the Jakarta Pusat area. The Bhayangkara 78th Anniversary people’s party which was centered at Silang Monas, Jakarta Pusat and lasted until early morning may be the reason.

The 3P Polda Metro monitoring movement began when the patrol team took off from the Ditsamapta command hangar at around 00.45 WIB. The patrol team with 27 personnel led by Ipda Moch Januar Fauzy and Ipda Gandi Rezeki Sinaga then drove 10-8 to the starting grid line on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta Pusat.

At around 01.30 WIB, patrol movements entered the Jalan Merdeka Selatan lap to provide security and anticipate the dispersion of ‘Medan-Solo’, aka the crowd from the Bhayangkara 78th Anniversary people’s party activities. The dispersal situation was monitored safely and under control due to disturbances.

Out of the Jalan Merdeka Selatan lap, the next turn of the patrol wheel leads to the Polsek Metro Menteng on Jalan Sutan Syahrir, Gondangdia,  Jakarta Pusat. Kring patrol activities were carried out in this area for several laps. Observed to be safe, the strong point patrol then targeted Jalan Samanhudi to anticipate brawls, illegal racing and street crime, including motorbike thieves. Turns out 8-1-9 (situation) 10-6 (empty), Ndan. Condition is fine, no problems.

From there, the patrol team then moved again to Jalan Sukarjo Wiryopranoto around 03.40 WIB. Eh, there’s a group of teenagers hanging out in this area. The patrol team then approached to check them all. It turns out the results are clear. They carried no dangerous objects or materials. Identity is also clear and complete.

Finally, this group of teenagers was nice to chat with. They were given advice that was fun to listen to so that don’t get into the habit of hanging out after midnight on the streets. Apart from having the potential to trigger chaos, it is also not good for your health because it invites colds. After all the advice was understood, the hangout was disbanded. They were all told to hurry home. The situation is still being monitored and under control.

Entering 04.30 WIB, this strong point monitoring activity ended. The patrol team returned to the cage at Ditsamapta Polda Metro Jaya for a consolidation roll call. Today’s story is at the end. (Bembo)

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