Friday, February 14, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalStrengthening Islamic Brotherhood, Kapolsek Ciputat Timur Becomes Khatib and Imam for Friday...

Strengthening Islamic Brotherhood, Kapolsek Ciputat Timur Becomes Khatib and Imam for Friday Prayers at An-Nur Mosque, CIPUTAT TIMUR – Kapolsek Ciputat Timur, Kompol Bambang Askar Shodiq is currently actively strengthening Islamic brotherhood with the community ahead of the holy month of Ramadan. This Friday Traveling spiritual effort is also being encouraged to maintain public order and security in its territorial area, Friday (31/1/2025).

The Friday Traveling activity was carried out by Kapolsek Bambang Askar by taking on the role of khatib and imam for Friday Prayers at An-Nur Mosque, Nuri Housing, Pondok Ranji, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan. This step is quite surprising but very effective in attracting sympathy and broad appreciation from the congregation.

In his official statement after Friday Prayers, Kapolsek Bambang Askar said, that the Friday Traveling program is part of the Polri strategy to build closeness with ulama, umara, and the community.  This closeness must be built and maintained as a form of synergy between the police and the community to create a conducive environment.

“Through Friday Tour, we want to be closer to the ulama and umara and the community. Support from all parties is very important to maintain security and order, especially ahead of the holy month of Ramadhan,” said Kapolsek Bambang Askar.

He also ensured that the Friday Tour program will continue to be carried out routinely in various mosques in the Ciputat Timur area. This effort is a reflection of the steps of the Polsek Ciputat Timur in terms of building and maintaining solid synergy between the police and the community in this area with a population of 183.330 people.

Writer/Editor: Bembo

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