, JAKARTA – Kapolda Metro Jaya, Irjen Pol Karyoto can really breathe a sigh of relief now. The long and arduous struggle full of responsibility to secure Jakarta and its buffer areas during the series of election (Pemilu) and presidential elections (Pilpres) is over. The knock on the hammer of the Constitutional Court (MK) judge who rejected all of Anies and Ganjar’s presidential election claims, Monday, (22/4) yesterday was like a long whistle from the referee signaling game over.
Marking the end of this entire series, Kapolda Karyoto also expressed his gratitude because all the demonstrations in the Monas area and the Patung Kuda could end in an orderly manner.
“Thank you, everything is safe and orderly. Thank you to the protesters who were able to control themselves well. We only consider the problem of the burning to be minor because it is not too dangerous,” he said while checking the action at Monas, yesterday.
He said, that all Indonesian people had witnessed the results of yesterday’s Pilpres dispute decision. Everything is clear and can be understood together. Therefore, he hopes that in the future there will be no more actions like this.
“We both know, watching from morning to evening, demonstrations awaiting the decision on the presidential election dispute. Yes, the results are clear, the Indonesian people all know and are smart enough to understand,” he said again.
“The candidate pairs (paslon) number one and three have also congratulated themselves. This means that they accepted. Hopefully this will be capital in the future and there will be no more disputes. Focus on continuing to develop Indonesia,” he added.
Furthermore, Kapolda Karyoto also apologized to the public because this action disrupted activities. The implementation of traffic engineering in the form of closing roads and diverting traffic due to demonstrations has caused many people to experience overtime on the roads because they have to go around.
“The important thing is that the public can wait patiently for the road to open again. Because to open it, you need tools to open the barricades that have been installed. And Alhamdulillah, everything went safely and smoothly until the end of yesterday. Once again, thank you to the public for their patience and understanding of our duties from the police,” said Kapolda Karyoto, ending his statement with great relief. (Bembo)