Saturday, January 18, 2025
BerandaNasionalTo Avoid Backflow of Vehicles, the Polri Opens the Cibitung - Cimanggis...

To Avoid Backflow of Vehicles, the Polri Opens the Cibitung – Cimanggis Toll Road, JAKARTA – The Polri has implemented a number of policies to anticipate traffic congestion and buildup during the return flow of Eid 2024. One of the policies implemented is to open the Cibitung-Cimangis toll road as a functional toll road.

This information was conveyed through uploads to the official NTMC Korlantas Polri Instagram account. The functional toll road section is open from 06.00-17.00 WIB.

“Starting today at 06.00-17.00 WIB the Cibitung-Cimanggis Functional Toll Road will be used for reverse flow (towards Jagorawi/Bogor),” wrote the account @korlantaspolri.ntmc, Saturday, (13/4).

Previously, Dirlantas of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Latif Usman had also said, that travelers could use the Cimanggis-Cibitung Toll Road as a functional toll road. This alternative is an effort to anticipate the potential for traffic jams at the Cikunir Toll interchange.

“Therefore, people who are going home to Bogor, Depok, Cibubur, can pass through that (Cimanggis -Cibitung toll road). Not through Cikunir, because there is a significant travel time,” said Kombes Pol Latif in his official statement.

“Likewise, those heading north, Jakarta Barat, Tangerang, please do not insist on entering the Inner City Toll Road, but via Cibitung directly with Semper, namely Tanjung Priok, it will be easier,” he added.

The National Police’s Traffic Corps (Korlantas) previously also predicted that the peak return flow would occur on Sunday, April 14 and Monday, April 15 2024. Therefore, travelers who want to return home are advised to travel before or after the peak flow.

“Starting from Sunday and Monday (the predicted peak of homecoming traffic will occur). That’s why yesterday the Minister of Transportation also appealed to return early. Starting today, tomorrow, don’t wait for the peak,” said the Kakorlantas Polri, Irjen Pol Aan Suhanan, Friday, (12/ 4) yesterday.

If they are unable to do so, continued Irjen Pol Aan, his party has appealed to civil servants and the private sector to postpone returning to Jakarta after the peak of homecoming traffic.

“Or we also urge you to postpone your return, after the 17th, 18th, 19th. Toll roads also give discounts on the 17th, 18th, 19th. Take advantage of that so that not everyone is at peak traffic,” he concluded.(Bembo)

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