Tuesday, February 11, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalVideo of Paying for Food at Warteg Only Rp5.000 Goes Viral, A...

Video of Paying for Food at Warteg Only Rp5.000 Goes Viral, A Arrested by Polsektro Tanah Abang

progresifjaya.id, JAKARTA – A man with the initials A (31), was arrested by the Polsek Metro Tanah Abang Metro because of a viral video of him paying for the food he ate at the Tegal stall (warteg) in the Karet Tengsin area as he pleased. A is known to often pay less for the food he eats. Even though he often doesn’t pay enough, he doesn’t care.

A was arrested on Sunday, (5/5) at around 15.30 WIB. A actually came to the warteg with his colleague, R (35). However, when he was about to be arrested, R immediately fled on a motorbike.

Kapolsek Metro Tanah Abang Metro, AKBP Aditya Simanggara in his statement explained, that A was arrested at his home in the Kebon Melati area, Tanah Abang. Currently A is undergoing an intensive examination at the Polsek Metro Tanah Abang Headquarters.

“The incident with A’s viral video occurred last Friday, (3/5). The two perpetrators, A and R, did not pay for the entire meal they ate at the food stall,” said Kapolsek Aditya.

“After eating, the perpetrator immediately gave Rp5.000 in cash and said ‘I’ll come back later’ and the second suspect was that the perpetrator immediately left the crime scene (TKP),” he added.

For your information, previously a CCTV video was circulated from a warteg in Jakarta Pusat. In the video, a man with curly hair in a yellow shirt can be seen paying an inappropriate price.

In the video shared by the warteg manager on his social media account, two men are seen getting up after finishing the food they ordered. The man with curly hair then gave money with a nominal amount of Rp5.000.

“I’m in debt, i’m in debt,” said the curly-haired man.

The warteg manager named Gugun, who didn’t accept it, then responded to the curly man’s words.

“Frequently,” he said.

Gugun said, that the behavior of customers who pay as they wish is actually not just one person. There are a few more people who like to underpay and leave it behind. (Bembo)

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