Monday, January 13, 2025
BerandaHukum & KriminalMarch - April 2024, Polrestro Jakbar and Polsek Tambora Uncover 3 Drug...

March – April 2024, Polrestro Jakbar and Polsek Tambora Uncover 3 Drug Cases and 5.1 Kg of Sabu, JAKARTA – Polres Metro Jakarta Barat and Polsek Tambora succeeded in uncovering a drug abuse case involving 5 suspects during the March-April 2024 period.

From the results of this demolition, 5.1 kg of crystal methamphetamine (sabu) was seized as evidence. The nominal value of this evidence on the black market for drugs is estimated at Rp9.266.400.000.

In his official statement, the Kapolres Metro Jakarta Barat, Kombes Pol M Syahduddi accompanied by the Kasatres Narkoba, AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga said, that there were 3 Police Reports (LP) which were behind the success achieved during that period.

The first is the LP received by the Unit Reserse Narkoba Polsek Tambora regarding transactions involving methamphetamine-type narcotics abuse.

After carrying out an investigation, two suspects with the initials RH and VM were arrested
Jalan Anggrek Rosliana VII Number 2 RT 002 RW 08, Kemanggisan, Palmerah Jakarta Barat. The evidence obtained was methamphetamine weighing 2,040 grams.

Then the second case was investigated by Special Team 3 of the Polres Metro Jakarta Barat after receiving information about a crystal methamphetamine transaction in Tamansari, Jakarta Barat.

After carrying out investigations and searches, two suspects with the initials IS and FL were also successful at Pasar Turi Station in Surabaya. The evidence obtained was methamphetamine weighing 3,107 grams.

Lastly, the third case involving soap opera actress Rio Reifan, started with public information about the abuse of methamphetamine and ecstasy pills in Jakarta Barat which was then followed up by the Polres Metro Jakarta Barat Narcotics Unit.

After carrying out an investigation, soap opera actor Rio Reifan was arrested at his home in the Jatinegara area, Jakarta Timur with evidence of 3 packages of crystal methamphetamine weighing 1.17 grams, 12 pills of List G drug brand Aprazolam, and ½ an ecstasy pill.

There are a number of articles that have been imposed by investigators in the legal process against the suspects in these three cases.

For the first case with suspects RH and VM and the second case with suspects IS and FL subject to Article 114 paragraph (2) Sub Article 112 paragraph (2) UURI Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. The threat of punishment for suspects is life imprisonment or the death penalty plus criminal penalties
a minimum fine of Rp800.000.000 (eight hundred million) and a maximum fine of Rp8.000.000.000 (eight billion rupiah) plus a third.

Meanwhile, the third case involving soap opera actor suspect Rio Reifan is subject to Article 112 paragraph (2) UURI Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and Article 62 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropic Substances. The criminal threat is imprisonment for a minimum of 4 years or a maximum of 12 years plus a minimum fine of Rp800.000.000 (eight hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of Rp1.000.000.000 (one
billion rupiah) plus a third. (Bembo)

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